Baby Sleep Training Guide
(0-5 months)
Setting the foundations of healthy sleep
Setting the foundations of healthy sleep for your baby from the start results in more rest and more enjoyment for you both. There are many little tweaks you can make in the early months that set you up for success and also prevent the dreaded four-month sleep regression.
This short video series is created so it can be watched with a baby in your arms. I understand your hands are full and your days are busy, hence I've put together all my best advice in short, simple and easy-to-follow videos. If you have a spare hand, you can easily watch these on your phone while feeding your baby.
Topics covered in
this video series:
Understanding Sleep
An understanding of your baby's sleep requirements and how they are trying to communicate these to you.
Sleeping in cot/bassinet
Practical hands-on methods to encourage your baby to sleep in the safety of their bassinet/cot.
Rhythm in your days
Confidence on how to start a rhythm in your days so both you and your baby know what is coming next, no more second-guessing everything.
…and much more
Watch as many times as you need on the comfort of your couch at home and join the many parents who are feeling rested and rejuvenated after supporting their baby's sleep with me.
Lesson 2: Awake Windows and Tired Signs
Understanding exactly when your baby needs to sleep will prevent them from becoming overstimulated and over-tired and result in a much quicker settling process.
Lesson 3: Sleep Environment & 4th Trimester
Creating the ideal sleep environment for your baby will ensure they are feeling calm, cosy and secure ready for quality sleep. Overstimulation around sleep time makes falling asleep really challenging for babies.
Lesson 4: Swaddling
Swaddling provides lots of benefits to young babies including keeping them warm and switching on their calming reflex. It also prevents the startling reflex from waking them up.
Lesson 5: Settling baby to sleep
How do I settle my baby to sleep? Learning a technique that allows you to gently reduce your hands-on support for your baby to set you both on the path to independent sleep from the get-go.
Lesson 6: Night Time
Babies are born with disorganised sleep habits. As parents, in the first weeks with your baby, you can start to teach them to align their sleep habits and internal clocks with your own, by encouraging their short sleeps during the day and longer sleeps at night.
Lesson 7: 24 hour structure
As a parent, if you understand your baby’s rhythms and how to support them - it takes the continual guesswork and questioning out of your day. It will also give you the confidence to venture out of the house to roughly know what your baby is going to want and need.