Meet Jenna Affleck:
Baby whisperer

baby sleep consultant newcastle port stephens
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Hi, my name is Jenna
and I love babies.
I also love sleep.

The two don’t often go hand in hand, but for me there’s nothing more rewarding than being welcomed into the home of an overwhelmed parent, picking up their tired and cranky baby and saying, “It’s ok, I’ve got this”.

That’s my favourite part of my job! Followed closely by working alongside new parents, sharing my knowledge, tips, tricks and mum hacks. I enjoy teaching them how to read their babies’ needs and leaving them with confidence and a settled, content baby when our time together comes to an end.

Some people are artists. Some people can do complicated math in their head. I was born to be a mum. Growing up I was like a second mum to my younger siblings. I started my own family early and now have 4 children at home. You could say I’ve learned a thing or two! I have always enjoyed talking to and supporting other mums I meet along the way. And if I could lighten their mother load in any way, I would. So it was a natural step for me to become a trained specialist in the areas of newborn care and infant sleep.

I can’t wait to meet you and hear all about your parenting journey.

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My list of formal qualifications include:

Newborn Mothers – Professional Postpartum Training
Maternal Instincts – The Professional Breastfeeding Course
Birth Breath and Death – Holding Space for Pregnancy Loss
Baby Sleep Consultant – Baby Sleep Consultant
Oh Baby School of Holistic Nutrition - Certified Baby Nutrition Consultant
Newborn Care Specialist – Newborn Care Solutions
Advanced Newborn Care Specialist – Newborn Care Solutions

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